University Administration
Details of the University administration
- The Chancellor His Excellency Jishnu Dev Varma
- The Vice – Chancellor Prof. Veludanda Nityananda Rao
- The Registrar – Prof. Kotla Hanumantha Rao
- The Finance Officer I/c S. Venkateswar Rao
- Controller of Examinations – Prof. Kotla Hanumantha Rao
Details of members of statutory bodies along with their tenure
- The Executive Council
- The Finance Committee
- The Academic Senate

1. The Executive Council
The Executive Council shall consist of the following persons, namely:
Class I – Ex-Officio Members:
The Vice-chancellor
- The Rector
- The Secretary to Government in the Education Department or an officer in the Education Department nominated by the Government.
- The Secretary to Government in the Finance and Planning (Finance Wing) Department of an officer in the Finance and Planning (Finance Wing) Department nominated by the Government.
- The Director of Higher Education/the Commissioner of Collegiate Education.
- The Director of Cultural Affairs.
Other Members:
- One Senior Professor of the University/Colleges to be nominated by the Government.
- One Principal/Dean of the University Colleges to be nominated by the Government.
- One Principal of affiliated colleges to be nominated by the Government.
- Four eminent persons connected with Telugu language, Literature and culture as the Government may consider useful to the University, to be nominated by the Government.
Every member of the Executive Council other than Ex-officio members shall hold office during the pleasure of the Government.
2.The Finance Committee
There shall be constituted a Finance Committee which shall be a sub-committee of the Executive Council with the following as members, namely:
Vice-Chancellor (Chairman)
- Two members of the Executive Council nominated by it:
- One member of the Executive Council to represent Banking Accounting.
- The Finance Officer shall be the Secretary of the Finance Committee.
The Finance Committee shall meet at least twice in every year to examine the accounts and to scrutinize proposals for expenditure.
3. The Academic Senate
The Academic Senate shall consist of the following persons, namely:
Class I Ex-Officio Members:
- all members of the Executive Council
- all Deans of Faculties
- all Ex-Vice-Chancellors of the University concerned.
- the Director of Technical Education
- the Director of Medical Education
- the Director of School Education
- the Director of Adult Education
- the Director of Intermediate Education
- the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education or in his absence the Vice-Chairman thereof;
- the Director, Telugu Academy
- all members of the University Planning and Monitoring Board.
- The Chairman of the Official Language Commission of the State.
Class II Life Members
All persons who donate an amount of not less than rupees five lakhs to the University.
Class III Members to be nominated by the Government
- One Telugu Professor from each University in the State.
- Two persons representing institution doing research in Telugu Language/ Linguistics anywhere in India.
- One Librarian of any constituent college or a college affiliated to any University in the State.
Class IV Elected Members
- Five teachers to be elected form among the teachers of the University College from among themselves according to the system of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote and according to procedure prescribed by the Statutes.
- Five teachers to be elected from among the teachers of the affiliated colleges in the State form among themselves according to the procedure prescribed by the Statutes.
- Five members of the Legislative Assembly to be elected from among themselves by the members of the Legislative Assembly of whom one each shall belong to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes. The Election shall be held according to the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote and according to the procedure prescribed by the Statutes.